Friday, September 25, 2009

Los Panqueques

Ayer comimos los panqueques para la cena. Daniela los hizo y cuando había muy poco de la mezcla todavía en el cuenco, ella hizo un panqueque que parece un corazón. Lo hizo por Pato, su novio, quien comió con nosotros. Me alegró mucho porque también yo hacía esto para mi novio cada vez preparábamos los panqueques este año pasado.
"No son tan buenas como los tuyos," le dije a Daniela porque siempre los de mio tienen un lado mas grueso del otro o algo asi.
"La intención es lo que cuenta," me respondió.
Hay cosas que son muy variadas entre las partes diferentes del mundo, pero estoy segura de que en algun parte de Africa, Asia, Europa y tal vez Antarctica hay algun persona haciendo los panqueques en la forma de un corazón.

Last night we ate pancakes for dinner. Daniela made them, and when there was very little of the mix left in the bowl, she made a pancake that looked like a heart. She made it for her boyfriend, Pato, who was eating dinner with us. This made me very happy, because I also used to do this for my boyfriend each time we made pancakes this past year.
"They aren´t as good as yours," I said to Daniela, because mine always had one side thicker than another or something strange like that.
"The intention is what counts," she responded.
There are things that vary greatly between different parts of this world, but others will always be the same. Because I´m sure that in some part of Africa, Asia, Europe, or even Antarctica there is someone making pancakes in the shape of a heart.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Gracías a San Francisco

Hé empezado a orar a San Francisco y a San Cristobal mucho aquí en Bolivia. Oro a San Francisco porque hay perros por todas las partes de la ciudad y quiero que ellos sepan que soy una persona de paz y a mi me gustan ellos. Oro a San Cristobal para tener un viaje seguro cuando estoy caminando de la casa al Instituto y del Instituto a mi casa cada día- algo que no parece ser tan difícil, pero es porque los coches vuelan por los calles como si fueran aeroplanos en vez de coches. Compartí esto con mis amigos, Jason y Emily, un matrimonio que también son misioneras con Maryknoll. Jason me respondió, "Hacemos esto también y cada día cuando nos acostamos, decidimos con júbilo, ´¡Sí! ¡Hemos vivido un día mas!´"

I have taken to praying to Saint Francis and Saint Christopher a lot here in Bolivia. I pray to Saint Francis because there are dogs everywhere here in the city and I want them to know that I am a peaceful person and that I like them. And I pray to Saint Christopher so that I have a safe journey when I walk each day from my house to the Institute (my school) and from the Institute to my house- something that doesn´t seem extremely difficult, but is because the cars fly down the streets as if they are planes instead of cars. I shared this with my friends, Jason and Emily, a maried couple who are also missioners with Maryknoll. Jason responded, "We do this too, and every night when we go to bed, we say with exhilaration, `Yes! We have lived another day!´"

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

La mama de Anita está preocupada

La mamá de Anita tiene pelo rizado y corto. Ella es flaquita y parece tener cien años o más pero en una manera que es muy bonita. Ella regresó del medico esta noche con Anita. Nos sentamos, ella y yo, a la mesa de Anita y me dijó que el medico dice que ella necesita engordar entonces no se cae con el viento. Ella se rió cuando me dijó esto. "A veces me asusté en la ducha sin ropa," ella dice. Dice que ella es flaca no por falta de comer, sino porque esta siempre preocupada. Porque las viejas saben mucho. Ella recurda mucho, nunca puede borrarlo de la mente. Por eso, y solo eso, ella está como una hoja de papel en el viento.

The mother of Anita has hair that is curly and short. She is very skinny and looks like she is one hundred years old or more but in a way that is very pretty. She returned from the doctors office tonight with Anita. We sat, her and I, at Anita´s table and she told me that the doctor says she needs to make herself more fat so she doesn´t fall down in the wind. She laughed when she told me this. "Sometimes I scare myslef in the shower when I don´t have clothes on," she said. She says that she is not skinny because she doesn´t eat, but rather, because she is always worried. Because older people know a lot. She remembers a lot, things she can never erase from her mind. For this reason, and only this reason, she is like a pieace of paper in the wind.

Las lagrimas de Anita

(lo siento que no hay acentos)

Hoy cuando regresé a la casa no teníamos la luz. ¨No ha habido luz desde las cuatro y media¨ me dijó Anita. Entonces, hicimos la comida con luz de las velas. Fue solo Anita y yo. Ella me hablaba sobre su vida y su esposo de quien ya está divorciada. Me compartío mucho y dijo con toda la fé en todo el mundo que Dios conoce que necesitamos. Cuando ella lo dijó, tuvo las lagrimas en sus ojos. Quiero tener la fé como Anita. También quisíera vivir en un lugar donde a veces no hay luz y la gente necesitan dormir con el sol.

Today, when I returned to our house, there were no lights. "There hasn´t been power since 4:30 this afternoon," Anita told me. So we prepared dinner with the light of candles. It was only Anita and me. She told me about her life and her spouse that she is now divorced from. She shared a lot with me and said with all the faith in the world that God knows what we need. When she said this, she had tears in her eyes. I want to have faith like Anita. Also, I would like to live in a place where sometimes there is no light and people have to go to sleep with the sun.


I have been in Bolivia for a week now, and each day it seems like something happens that I want to remember. I go home and write it in my journal but would also like to share some of these thoughts and experiences with the many family and friends that helped me get here.

As a quick introduction, I am starting my year in Cochabamba with six weeks at the Maryknoll Language Institute. I live with a host family. My mom´s name is Ana Maria la Fuente (more often called Anita) and her two daughters are Cecilia (20) and Daniella (19). Next to our house is the house were Anita´s mother, brother, and niece live. We also have two dogs named Gordo and Bianca, they look like living mops.